James SP. tells his story as The Content Creator.
Do you realize that everyone is attracted to the concept of storytelling? This is why people pay money at a movie theatre to watch a movie or turn on their television to watch a show that has an interesting story plot. A compelling story conveyed properly can open a myriad of opportunities.
Question: do your customers know your story? Have you taken the time to share why your company exists and its purpose?
Things to consider:
1. Storytelling thru video can serve as a brand awareness tool that can generate leads or compell potential customers into doing business with you.
2. A video that tells the story of your business or product can sit right on the front page of your website. This is perfect for those people that don't like to read a bunch of infomation. They may be more interested in watching a 1 to 2 minute video that bfriefly explains all they need to know about your company.
3. Google favors websites that have media content on its front page. Sites with video content actually rank higher in search engines.
4. Such videos can also be used in your newsletters and other marketing campaigns.
Additional Source: Here's a link to 55 video Marketing Statistics https://biteable.com/blog/tips/video-marketing-statistics/
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